REI Datasheet SN54122, ‘123, ‘130, ‘L122, ‘L123, ‘LS122, ‘LS123 SN74122, ‘123, ‘130, ‘LS122, ‘LS123 Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrators These d-c triggered multivibrators feature output pulse width control by three methods. The basic pulse time is programmed by selection of external resistance and capacitance values. The ‘122, ‘L122, and ‘LS122 have internal timing resistors that allow the circuits to be used with only an external capacitor, if so desired. Once triggered, the basic pulse width may be extended by retriggering the gated low-level-active (A) or high-level-active (B) inputs, or be reduced by use of the overriding clear. The ‘LS122 and ‘LS123 are provided enough Schmitt hysteresis to ensure jitter-free triggering from the B input with transition rates as slow as 0.1 millivolt per nanosecond. Rochester Electronics Manufactured Components Rochester branded components are manufactured using either die/wafers purchased from the original suppliers or Rochester wafers recreated from the original IP. All recreations are done with the approval of the OCM. Parts are tested using original factory test programs or Rochester developed test solutions to guarantee product meets or exceeds the OCM data sheet. Quality Overview • • • • ISO-9001 AS9120 certification Qualified Manufacturers List (QML) MIL-PRF-38535 • Class Q Military • Class V Space Level Qualified Suppliers List of Distributors (QSLD) • Rochester is a critical supplier to DLA and meets all industry and DLA standards. Rochester Electronics, LLC is committed to supplying products that satisfy customer expectations for quality and are equal to those originally supplied by industry manufacturers. The original manufacturer’s datasheet accompanying this document reflects the performance and specifications of the Rochester manufactured version of this device. Rochester Electronics guarantees the performance of its semiconductor products to the original OEM specifications. ‘Typical’ values are for reference purposes only. Certain minimum or maximum ratings may be based on product characterization, design, simulation, or sample testing. © 2013 Rochester Electronics, LLC. All Rights Reserved 07112013 To learn more, please visit www.rocelec.com