HD74LS138 3-Line-to-8-Line Decoders / Demultiplexers REJ03D0434–0300 Rev.3.00 Jul.13.2005 The HD74LS138 decodes one-of-eight line dependent on the conditions at the three binaly select inputs and the three enable inputs. Two active-low and one active-high enable inputs reduce the need for external gates or inverters when expanding. A 24-line decoder can be implemented without external inverters and a 32-line decoder requires only one inverter. An enable input can be used as a data input for demultiplexing applications. Features • Ordering Information Part Name Package Type Package Code (Previous Code) Package Abbreviation Taping Abbreviation (Quantity) HD74LS138P DILP-16 pin PRDP0016AE-B (DP-16FV) P - HD74LS138FPEL SOP-16 pin (JEITA) PRSP0016DH-B (FP-16DAV) FP EL (2,000 pcs/reel) PRSP0016DG-A RP (FP-16DNV) Note: Please consult the sales office for the above package availability. HD74LS138RPEL SOP-16 pin (JEDEC) EL (2,500 pcs/reel) Pin Arrangement A 1 16 VCC A Select Inputs B 2 B Y0 15 Y0 C 3 C Y1 14 Y1 G2A 4 G2A Y2 13 Y2 G2B 5 G2B Y3 12 Y3 G1 6 G1 Y4 11 Y4 Outputs Y7 7 Y7 Y5 10 Y5 GND 8 9 Y6 Enable Inputs Y6 (Top view) Rev.3.00, Jul.13.2005, page 1 of 7 Outputs
ルネサス エレクトロニクス株式会社
2010年(平成22年)4月に設立された大手半導体メーカー。半導体製品の研究開発・製造・販売・サービス。主力製品は、マイコン(CISC、RISC)、パワーデバイス、アナログ&ミックスドシグナルIC、汎用IC、高周波デバイス、光半導体、車載用LSI、産業用LSI、メモリ、ASIC、USB ASSP、システムLSI