DTC114E series Datasheet NPN 100mA 50V Digital Transistor (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistor) l Outline Parameter VCC Value 50V IC(MAX.) 100mA R1 R2 10kΩ 10kΩ SOT-723 SOT-416FL DTC114EM DTC114EEB (VMT3) (EMT3F) SOT-416 l Features 1) Built-In Biasing Resistors, R1 = R2 = 10kΩ 2) Built-in bias resistors enable the configuration of an inverter circuit without connecting external input resistors (see inner circuit) . 3) Only the on/off conditions need to be set for operation, making the circuit design easy. 4) Complementary PNP Types: DTA114E series SOT-323FL DTC114EE (EMT3) DTC114EUB (UMT3F) SOT-323 l Application INVERTER, INTERFACE, DRIVER SOT-346 DTC114EUA (UMT3) DTC114EKA (SMT3) l Inner circuit DTC114EM/ DTC114EEB/ DTC114EUB DTC114EE/ DTC114EUA/ DTC114EKA l Packaging specifications Part No. Package Package size DTC114EM DTC114EEB DTC114EE DTC114EUB DTC114EUA DTC114EKA SOT-723 SOT-416FL SOT-416 SOT-323FL SOT-323 SOT-346 1212 1616 1616 2021 2021 2928 Taping code T2L TL TL TL T106 T146 Reel size Tape width (mm) (mm) 180 180 180 180 180 180 8 8 8 8 8 8 Basic ordering unit.(pcs) Marking 8000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 24 24 24 24 24 24 www.rohm.com © 2015 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 1/10 20150827 - Rev.003
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