HD74LS123 Dual Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrators (with Clear) REJ03D0429–0200 Rev.2.00 Feb.18.2005 This d-c triggered multivibrator features output pulse width control by three method. The basic pulse time is programmed by selection of external resistance and capacitance values. Once triggered, the basic pulse width may be extended by retriggering the gated low-level -active (A) or high-level active (B) inputs, or be reduced by use of the overriding clear. Figure 1 illustrates pulse control by retriggering and early clear. This device is provided enough Schmitt hysteresis to ensure jitter-free triggering from the B input with transition rates as slow as 0.1 mV/ns. Features • Ordering Information Part Name Package Type Package Code (Previous Code) Package Abbreviation Taping Abbreviation (Quantity) HD74LS123P DILP-16 pin PRDP0016AE-B (DP-16FV) P — HD74LS123FPEL SOP-16 pin (JEITA) PRSP0016DH-B (FP-16DAV) FP EL (2,000 pcs/reel) PRSP0016DG-A RP (FP-16DNV) Note: Please consult the sales office for the above package availability. HD74LS123RPEL SOP-16 pin (JEDEC) A = "L" Clear = "H" EL (2,500 pcs/reel) Retrigger Pulse "H" B "L" tw + tPLH "H" Q tw "L" Output without retrigger A = "L" "H" B "L" "H" Clear "L" "H" Q "L" Output without clear Figure 1 Rev.2.00, Feb.18.2005, page 1 of 8 Typical Input / Output Pulse
Texas Instruments Incorporated